
Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Manusela National Park

Manusela National Park with an area of 189,000 hectares is an area located in North and Southern Seram District in Tehoru Seram, Central Maluku district, Maluku Province of Indonesia. Manusela National Park is geographically located between 129°9'3 "- 129°46'14" BT and 2°48 ' 24 "- 3°18'24" LS. The Highest mountain in Manusela National Park is Binaya Mountain, with a height of 3.027 meters. Manusela National Park is a representative type of coastal ecosystem, swamp forest, lowland rain forest and mountain rain forest in Maluku. Vegetation types found in this national park is the mangrove, beach forest, swamp, river bank, tropical rain forest, mountain forest, and sub-alpine forest. A unique and beautiful forest, alpine vegetation and endemic fern that deer are very popular because it is a good deer feed. In addition, Manusela National Park can be used as a medium/place of field research because of the diversity of flora and fauna of rare and endemic, pharmaceutical research (types of medicinal plants) as well as research of plants which are an alternative food for the community.

Some plant species in this national park are "Meranti" (Shorea selanica), "Benuang" (Octomeles sumatrana), "Matoa" (Pometia pinnata), "Eucalyptus" (Melaleuca leucadendron), various kinds of orchids, and endemic ferns (Chintea binaya).

About 117 bird species found in the Manusela National Park, musk Ternate (Lorius garrulus), black-headed parrot (L. domicella), Seram cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis), king prawn (Halcyon lazuli and Halcyon sancta) and parrot ambon (Alisterus amboinensis). Parrot is one species endemic to the island of Maluku, its existence threatened with extinction in the wild due to poaching and the destruction of their habitat. Other wildlife in this national park is the deer (Cervus timorensis moluccensis), Kuskus (Phalanger orientalis orientalis), mongoose (Pardofelis marmorata), dugongs (Dugong dugon), green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and various species of butterflies.

Point of tourism is to visit Merkele Edge, Edge Kabipoto, Wae Kawa, exploring the forest, rock climbing, animal/plant observation. In Pasahari is deer and bird wildlife observation. In Wai Isal, camping, exploring the forest, animal/plant observation. In Pilana, observations of butterflies and exploring the forest. At Binaya Mountain we can climbing, explore the forests and waterfalls. Manusela National Park is known as a natural tourist attraction with its own charm with beautiful natural scenery and interesting and hilly topography of which Markele edge, valley Manusela, edge Kobipoto, plains and valleys north Nausea Wae Kawa in the south. Attractions that can be enjoyed is exploring the forest, rock climbing, animal/plant observation.


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