
Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Baluran National Park

Baluran National Park located at 7 ° 55'17 .76 "S and 114 ° 23'15 .27" E, which is representative of a specific dry forest ecosystem in Banyuputih, Situbondo, East Java, Indonesia, consists of savanna vegetation types (40 percent of total area) , mangrove forest, monsoon forest, lower montane forest, swamp forest and evergreen forests. Generally, in the Java island there is a lot of national park that have ecosystem in common. National park in java island have a rainforest ecosystem with a various animal and plant with astounishing mountain as a core.

"Wild Bull" is an iconic animal in Baluran National Park. In addition, there are about 155 species of birds including the rare such as the "Layang Api" (Hirundo rustica), "Tuwur asia" (Eudynamys scolopacea), peacock (Pavo muticus), "Ayam hutan merah" (Gallus Gallus), "Kangkareng" (Anthracoceros convecus ), "Rangkong" (Buceros rhinoceros), and "Bangau" (Leptoptilos javanicus). Plants in this national park has various species, which there are native plants are unique and interesting that is "Widoro bukol" (Ziziphus rotundifolia), "Mimba" (Azadirachta indica) and "Pilang" (Acacia leucophloea). Other plants that like "Asam Jawa" (Tamarindus indica), "Gadung" (Dioscorea hispida), "Kemiri" (Aleurites moluccana), "Gebang" (Corypha utan), "Api – api" (Avicennia sp.), "Kendal" (Cordia obliqua), "Manting" (Syzygium polyanthum) and "Kepuh" (Sterculia foetida). There are 26 species of animal such as "Banteng" (Bos javanicus javanicus), Wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), "Ajag" (Cuon alpinus javanicus), "Menjangan" (Muntiacus muntjak muntjak), leopard (Panthera pardus weld), deer ( Tragulus javanicus pelandoc, Cervus timorensis Russa).

Spots of tourism in Baluran National Park is "Bekol" and "Semiang", where we can observe of wildlife such as pheasant, peacock, deer, and wild buffalo, bird. "Bama" is a marine tourism we can go fishing, diving/snorkeling. "Manting", "Air Kacip" is the source of water that never dry all year and as a habitat of leopard. "Popongan", "Sejile", "Sirontoh" and "Kalitopo" also can boating on the calm sea, seeing various kinds of ornamental fish and migratory bird observation. "Curah Tangis" is a place about activities of rock climbing as high as 10-30 meters, with a slope of up to 85%.

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