
Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Kayan Mentarang National Park

Kayan Mentarang National Park has primary and secondary forest areas largest remaining old on the island of Borneo and Southeast Asia. Kayan Mentarang National Park name taken from the two important river names in the national park, the Kayan River in the south and north of the River Mentarang. With a land area of about 1.35 million hectares, this forest expanse stretching across the northern part of East Kalimantan Province, precisely in Malinau Regency, Regency Nunukan and Bulungan, directly adjacent to the Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia. Most of the areas included in the district of Malinau and partly included in Nunukan district. Kayan Mentarang National Park has a diversity of high value, rare and protected species of plants and animals. Some other plants that exist are "Pulai" (Alstonia scholaris), "Jelutung" (Dyera costulata), "Ramin" (Gonystylus bancanus), "Agathis" (Agathis borneensis), "Trembesi" (Eusideroxylon zwageri), "Rengas" (Gluta wallichii), "Gaharu" (Aquilaria malacensis), palm (Arenga pinnata), various kinds of orchids, palms, and "kantung semar". In addition, there are several types of plants that not all can be identified as a new species in Indonesia. Flora species that are reported in this region of which include 500 species of orchids and at least 25 species of rattan. It also has managed inventory 277 species of birds including 11 species new to Borneo and Indonesia, 19 species and 12 endemic species are nearly extinct. Some interesting species of which are 7 types of hornbills, Kuau, Sepindan Borneo and the types of King Prawn.

Kayan Mentarang National Park also a habitat for many protected species such as banteng (Bos javanicus), bear (Helarctos malayanus), pangolin (Manis javanica), leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), porcupine (Hystrix brachyura), and deer (Cervus unicolor). In certain seasons on the prairie in the Upper River Bahau, gathered a herd bull that comes from the surrounding forest area and become an interesting sight to behold. Around 21,000 people from various ethnic and language subgroup, known as the Dayak tribe, living in and around national parks. Dayak community, such as the Kenyah, Kayan, Lundayeh, Tagel, Saben and Punan, Badeng, Hyacinths, Makulit, Makasan inhabit about 50 villages in the region Kayan Mentarang National Park. Point of tourism interest to visit are Pulau Datuk Beach and Lubang Tedong Hill as marine tourism and swimming spot. Palung Mountain and Panti Mountain we can hikking, see waterfalls and observation of plants/animals and camping. Kampung Baru as Bekantan animal observation. Simpang River and Matan river we can scour the river, observing wildlife and cultural tourism.


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