
Rabu, 22 Juni 2011

Bunaken National Park

Bunaken National Park is a marine park located in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, which covers an area of 890,65 km ² as representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems consisting of mangrove, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and coastal ecosystems. 7% of Bunaken National Park is the habitat of the sea, while the remaining 3% is mainland, covering five islands : Bunaken, Manado Tua, Mantehage, Naen and Siladen. In the northern part consists of the Bunaken, Manado Tua, Montehage, Siladen, and Nain Island. Coral reef ecosystem of Bunaken National Park is very rich. There are about 390 species of coral reefs in this region. Species of algae that can be found in Bunaken National Park is Caulerpa, Halimeda and Padina, while a lot of seaweed species found are Thalassia hemprichii, Enhallus acoroides, and Thalassaodendron ciliatum. Bunaken National Park also has various species of fish, marine mammals, reptiles, birds, molluscs and mangroves. About 90 species of fish living in waters of this region. On the mainland, the island is rich in Arecaceae, sago, woka, silar and coconut. In addition, the Bunaken National Park also has a species of animals that live on land, such as deer and possum. Mangrove forest in this park into a habitat for crabs, lobsters, molluscs and sea birds.

Types of animals living in terrestrial and coastal including Sulawesi black macaques (Macaca nigra nigra), deer (Cervus timorensis Russa), and possum (Ailurops ursinus ursinus). Plant species in the mangroves of Bunaken National Park namely Rhizophora sp., Sonneratia sp., Lumnitzera sp., And Bruguiera sp. This forest is rich with various kinds of crab, shrimp, mollusks and various types of sea birds such as seagulls, herons, sea virgin, and cangak sea. This type of algae found in this national park include the type of Caulerpa sp., Halimeda sp., And Padina sp. Seagrass beds are dominated mainly on the island Montehage, and Nain island of Thalassia hemprichii, Enhallus acoroides, and Thalassodendron ciliatum.


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